About Us

Hello! Welcome to Rrevn,a bags sales company focusing on quality and service.

In recent years, in order to let the majority of consumers buy at ease, wear comfortable, has been strictly monitoring the quality of products, all styles must pass the quality inspection before they can be sold.

We take "sincerity, responsibility and satisfaction" as the core, strive to treat customers sincerely, strictly control product quality, ensure customer rights and interests, and take customer satisfaction as the ultimate goal.

Our main products are:suitcases,travel bags,handbags,backpacks and wallets.

We were founded to provide a platform for bags sales all over the world. There is no obstacle between us and realizing our dream. We believe that success is an endless pursuit of improving ourselves and the way we play.

Build Rrevn aircraft carrier and international brand. Carrying the world's expectations and great mission, Rrevn has gone through several years in the wind and rain. After years of verification, Rrevn has rapidly developed from a small company specializing in the production and sales of physical clothing to a large clothing company integrating production, physical sales and online sales.

We are never afraid of taking risks. We believe that our intuition will make unexpected choices to promote the development of the clothing industry.

This is our development story. It's not brilliant enough, but it's realistic. It's not noble enough, but it's pragmatic.

Thank you for your trust and support! Wish you a happy life!